Life Skills
Life skills are necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life, here are a few stories that’ll help you out!
We think – to get the most out of volunteering - you really have to pick something you enjoy and that you can believe in. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer near to you. Volunteering helped James become a Maths teacher.
Many of the Courts in the UK ask a Jury to decide the outcome of legal cases. That Jury will be made up of ordinary members of the public to help ensure decisions are as fair as possible. Anyone aged between 18 and 76 years old could be called for Jury Service; arguably, it’s one of our duties as a citizen to take part. Here’s our quick guide to what’s involved.
There seems to be a small plastic card for everything these days: college ID, driving licence, bank details, supermarket loyalty schemes, you name it! Perhaps one of the most useful you might carry is a credit card (or maybe you have the app on your phone) to make buying easier. But understanding how they work is important for you to stay in control of your spending. Here’s our quick guide to the essentials.
What to expect in a Polling Station
You’re registered to vote, polling day arrives and it’s your first time voting! You might feel a little nervous about it so here’s our quick guide to what to expect and how straight-forward it is!
Want to start your on business?
Do you have a secret desire to start a business, or do you wonder whether this may be an option for you as an alternative to conventional employment?
Travelling. Worried about getting branded with the ‘finding yourself’ saying? Or being thrown into the classic gap year group? Why volunteer abroad when you could easily just take the time to reboot, relax and rejuvenate, right?
Megan tells us about her trip to Kathmandu and how Projects Abroad can help you have the best volunteering experience possible…
EVs - changing the world of car maintenance
Sales of EVs (electric vehicles) in the UK have rocketed in recent years, with hybrid or battery-based cars now making up nearly 30% of all new vehicle registrations. The increase in fuel prices and the ban from 2030 of new traditionally fuelled (petrol or diesel) cars mean that percentage is only going to increase. But how is this change affecting the motor industry? And what skills do car mechanics need now to keep on top of this new technology?
It could be who you know! The people we know or can get to know can be a great help in getting us where we want to be. Building your network is definitely worth spending some time on.
In a series of articles about managing your money and financial affairs, we asked our guest expert, Peter Johnson from Homes of Hampshire, about getting a mortgage.
These tips will help you to manage your money and feel confident about your finances. They will help you plan for the future and feel confident month-to-month.
How do you dress for an interview?
You’ve probably heard it said that it only takes seven seconds to make a first impression. This is why how you present yourself for an interview can be crucial to your chances of success. We’ve talked to experienced personal stylist, Fiona Mobbs, to get her top ‘dress to impress’ tips.
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Anxious about going to University?
It’s only human to feel anxious about a new situation and going to University can feel like a big step. We have spoken to professional coach, Caroline D’ay, who has some great tips for keeping those nerves under control.
What does it mean to be chartered?
Many professions use the term so we explore some of them and what it can tell us about the individual.
Tips for a better work-life balance
The balance between these two can seem impossible, and it works differently for everyone. However, here you’ll find a few tips to help find the right balance for you.
Writing your Personal Statement
Writing your Personal Statement can feel daunting - here are some tips to get you through it!